Quotes From "Hum A Radiant Sickness" By Patrick Bryant

If you can't stomach an ending, don't begin.
If you can't stomach an ending, don't begin. Patrick Bryant
But finally, once in an age, there is a blink....
But finally, once in an age, there is a blink. And in that blink, you can be. And in that blink, I can be. Patrick Bryant
Ego like bile over taste buds. Get it out or...
Ego like bile over taste buds. Get it out or hold it in. It's the suspension will drive you nuts, churn your gut. Patrick Bryant
How nice would it be to just drop from the tree, fall from forking branches a ripened fruit thudding your weight to earth without distraction, without option–thrust to ground under gravity's current to be gathered up and eaten or left there to decay and deposit that seed from the core of your being into the little plot of your death, lush ring of your composted fertilizing flesh. Patrick Bryant
Let's ignore all that back and front matter and just stick to emergences, cross-sections, to what's right in front of us in the divide where all-things has come to gather and to stay though hidden yet behind its mask, which has got it looking so deliciously comprehensively like so many things-distinct. Patrick Bryant
And you can't know it, because to know it is...
And you can't know it, because to know it is to be it, and to be it is to not be you. Patrick Bryant
He's got all the pains of being lost and all the benefits of being told where to go. He wants it the other way around. Patrick Bryant
It's nice to be able to do things for other people, isn't it? That's why it's fun to talk in the third person sometimes. Patrick Bryant
They tugged plans and ambitions out their asses and held tight to the first that didn't smell so strongly of shit. Patrick Bryant
Preferring the nausea of the path to its fated and certain ending. Patrick Bryant
He lies there listening to it, absorbing this sense of his own quiet drone transmuted into something of certain substance, something large, magnificent and grand–no longer him, no, but something bursting from him, leaving his split carcass behind as a monument to its source, its host, its feeding ground. Patrick Bryant
Oh yes, he's seen the black pupils of time's eyes. Two dark drains in a pair of dirty gas station bathroom sinks. The faucet's open and he's gurgling down the pipes, gushing toward whatever tank he's bound to swirl around in for the rest of his life. There's no telling from here if that's a realm of purification or of shit. There's only one way to find out, and that's to ride it all the way down. Patrick Bryant